Recorded November 17, 2020
Level: Intermediate
Identification of redoximorphic concentrations and depletions of iron in soil has been employed as a relatively inexpensive method of determining the depth to a seasonal high water table. This is based upon the USDA-NRCS use of these features to determine aquic moisture regimes. Reducing conditions brought on by saturation of soil with water leads to reduction and migration of iron out of the profile, leaving these features as markers. Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for these features to un-form, so these determinations can be in error. We will explore the latest on this methodology and its strengths and weaknesses, enabling attendees to make better interpretations in the field.
About our presenter: Russell L. Losco, M.A., P.G., C.P.S.S. (Lanchester Soil Consultants, Inc.) – Mr. Losco has over 33 years’ experience in soil science. He received a B.A. in anthropology/archaeology from Indiana University of PA and an M.A. in Geoscience from West Chester University. He is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist, a Professional Geologist and an adjunct professor at Delaware County Community College and West Chester University and is the co- founder of Lanchester Soil Consultants, Inc. He served for nine years on the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Association of Professional Soil Scientists (PAPSS) and is the lead author of the PAPSS Manual for Soil Investigation in Pennsylvania and a number of other scientific publications. He serves on the Board of Directors of the PCPG. For six years he worked in cooperation with the US Environmental Protection Agency on targeted urban soil surveys in five states and one U.S. territory. In 2015 he was awarded the Scientific and Technological Achievement Award by the USEPA for his work in Urban Soils. He is co-author of the book, “Soils and Human Health” and the lead author on the upcoming book, “The Traveler’s Guide to the Geology of Costa Rica”.