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PCPG Committees

Standing Committees

PCPG maintains five standing committees which assist the organization in functioning effectively. If interested in serving as a volunteer on a PCPG committee, send an E-mail to the committee chair of your choice.


News Blasts Chair:  Greg Rosenzweig, P.G.

Newsletter Chair:  Leslie Hartzell

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to develop, update and monitor our communications policies, provide relevant geologic news via our bi-weekly email blasts and quarterly newsletters, update our social networking accounts, and provide general communications to our members and other stakeholders.

News Blasts

  • Bi-weekly emails are sent to 2,600 members and non-members.
  • Provide information on upcoming opportunities for PCPG-sponsored continuing education events.
  • Share short summaries of and links to geology and geoscience related articles often focusing on Pennsylvania-specific news and information.
  • Board members all provide suggested articles for the blasts and compile blast content on a rotating basis.  The committee chair edits and distributes the blasts.


  • Newsletters are distributed to stakeholders on a quarterly basis via email.
  • The newsletters provide content such as a message from the PCPG President, Board activities/strategic initiatives, information on upcoming education events, puzzles/photo contests and kids’ activities, and relevant news articles.
  • Committee members identify articles for the newsletter and the committee chair compiles articles, provides newsletter proofs for board review prior to distribution to stakeholders.
  • Members are welcome and encouraged to provide articles for the newsletter whether it be on personal geologic stories or relevant work and/or other geologic subject matter.Articles are suggested to be about 700 words maximum. Contact Leslie Hartzell or telephone (717) 730-9745.
  • PCPG Corporate Members may advertise in the newsletter at a reduced rate over non-members. 


  • PCPG began recording podcasts for our “Poorly Sorted but Well Rounded” Podcast Series in 2020.
  • Our series includes practical and timely topics, technical and social matters, trends and tips for the office or the field, and interesting subjects and interviews that may remind you of why you chose (or should have chosen) a career in geoscience.
  • You can access the podcasts via PCPGs website and on podcast hosting sites such as Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and others.
  • Already recorded podcasts are being published routinely and new ideas and content are welcome.

Social Media



Jason Floyd, P.G.

Michele Cooney Johnston, P.G.

The PCPG Education Committee specializes in high-quality educational offerings for the Pennsylvania professional geologic community. As everyone should be aware, PGs in Pennsylvania are required to accumulate continuing education (CEUs & PDHs) throughout each biannual recertification period to meet the professional competency requirements of the law.

The education committee plans educational presentations, seminars and courses to support continuing education mandates through online webinars and/or in-person events. We strive to provide a variety of topics from basic to the advanced level presented by qualified instructors, through a mixture of course length, formats and venues that are convenient and appropriate for many different sectors of the geologic community at large.

The Education Committee is always looking for new topics, new instructors, and new members for the committee. If you have any interest in working on the committee or know of great course ideas or instructors, please reach out to the committee.

Government Affairs

Chair: Bill Camp, P.G.

The Government Affairs Committee of PCPG is responsible for keeping track of legislation in both the House and the Senate each session year that impact licensed geologists working in Pennsylvania. Each week, new and previously proposed legislation is reviewed for content and tracked in a spreadsheet that is available on PCPG’s website to dues paying members only. The Government Affairs Committee utilizes the Pennsylvania General Assembly website as its key source for tracking this information.

In addition, PCPG also keeps track of information related to various Pennsylvania organizations such as that of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Independent Regulatory Review Commission, Environmental Quality Board, Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board, PA Storage Tank Advisory Committee, and PA Environmental Digest.  

Outreach Services

Chair: Vincent Carbone, P.G.

The purpose of the Outreach Services committee is:
1. To identify, attract and retain members supporting PCPG’s mission.  Members can be public or private institutions, educational centers, or community organizations that employ geoscientists or support geoscientists in their profession. 

2. Make outreach to colleges and universities to encourage student membership in PCPG and to educate students about the necessary qualifications to become a Licensed Professional Geologist in PA. 

Outreach Services Committee efforts include:

  • College or high school visits (virtual or in-person) to schools that have geoscience programs. 
  • Provide information on the geologic profession in general, the breadth of geologic careers, the PG licensing process in PA including current deadline dates for tests and applications, and outlines the benefits of PCPG membership.  
  • Write newsblasts and/or newsletter articles with pertinent information on for membership or outreach programs
  • Participation at booths at various trade shows and events to encourage membership.
  • Identify professionals that can support our membership on a technical or professional level.
  • Provide opportunities for students to network with professionals and other member organizations for job development or mentorship
  • Provide opportunities for our Corporate and Associate Membership to demonstrate their geoscience capabilities and network with the community. 

Ad Hoc Committee

Shale Gas

Chair: Dan Billman, P.G.

The Pennsylvania geologic community continues to benefit through employment in the oil and natural gas, “shale gas”, industry. Geologists work in the exploration and production, permitting, field activities, such as drilling and completions, environmental management, pipeline oversight and numerous other aspects of the industry. As geologic issues pertaining to the shale gas industry arise, the shale gas committee is empowered to research and react to the issues of the day and how those issues may affect the Pennsylvania geologic community or the public in general.


Copyright 2021

All Rights Reserved

Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists
116 Forest Drive

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011

(717) 730-9745